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Our best selling Bug Zappers
Which is the RIGHT Bug Zapper for you?
The answer to this is depends on which type of insects you are trying to attract! This is because not all insects are light sensitive; so sometimes you will need to bait your bug zapper to attract specific insects. The UV light will attract moths and flying ants to the bug zapper, however mosquitoes and flies are not especially UV light sensitive. Most people want to attract all insects; in which case we would suggest adding a Mozzie Attract lure and Fly Attract Lure to your bug zapper to broaden its appeal to all insects.
Are attracted to carbon dioxide, which is why mozzies will always chose to bite us over a zapping insect killer.
- Run the bug zapper 24/7. This way the bug zapper heats up which will aid in attracting mosquitoes. Running the bug zapper in this manner also helps to reduce mosquito breeding, decreasing the localised mosquito population over time.
- Consider adding a lure specifically designed for mosquitoes. We recommend Mozzie Attract; a lure scientifically proven to attract mosquitoes by way of mimicking human sweat. This lure is a 30 day slow release lure that is easy and quick to install on your bug zapper to increase its effectiveness on mosquitoes significantly.
- We do manufacture two mosquito specific bug zappers with special spectrum (black) UV lights. They glow purple and this light has been proven to be more attractive to mosquitoes and other biting insects than a standard UV light. Products you should look for include Yard Guard Mosquito Trap and Mozzie Attack Plus.
Are more attracted to scent than light outdoors, which is why flies chose us and our meals over the bug zapper.
- Run the bug zapper 24/7. This way the bug zapper heats up which will aid in attracting flies. Running the bug zapper 24/7 also helps reduce the fly breeding cycle, decreasing localised fly population over time.
- Consider baiting the bug zapper. Suggestions are as varied from smearing some honey on the outside of the cage to hanging a stocking with mince meet in it.
- We do have a fly lure that will be available early 2018 called Fly attract. This lure has been specifically designed to attract the common house fly to a bug zapper. This lure is a 30 day slow release lure that is quick and easy to install on your bug zapper.
- We do manufacture a bug zapper which is specifically designed to attract flies, this is the Bug Vac. Once there are a few drowned insects in the draw, it becomes self-baiting, attracting flies.
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